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member since 19 April 2011

x- For Some Friends x3

~ For Deni:

You are amazing ^^. Btw, we didn`t talk a lot but I think you are a nice girl. A very nice girl ;-* And you are perfect the way you are ;] Don`t believe in your haterz`, they are just jealous. And don`t worry about your fakes, just stupid ppl`. ;x You are great and you`ll always be (:

~ For Bety

Since I came on Deget, you was really nice with me ^^. You are really really really good and friendly ;-* You are amazing (: You always talked to me and made me happy :] ILYSM ^^

~ For Mozzby o.o

Btw, I don't really know you ;]] But I think that you are amazing (: A nice and friendly girl. ^^. You was nice with me and I`m happy because of that :">. Love you ^^

I will add more :">. Sorry if I forgot someone :D.
Water Mirror
Water Mirror
Bubblee ;3
Bubblee ;3

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